It's Monday September 16th 2013! What are you reading?

It's Monday! What are You Reading! is a weekly hosted by Sheila over at Book Journey. This weekly is meant to keep you people updated on what I read the last week and what I am planning to read the upcoming week.

So the first week of my vacation has passed and I have done some great things. I visited the Rijksmuseum , spend a few days with my mum and read books. First I finished How to be a Good Wife by Emma Chapman, a great creepy read. I read The Land of Decoration by Grace McCleen which surprised me a bit. I finally read The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry by Rachel Joyce which I obviously waited to long with. Jacob besluit lief te hebben by Catalin Dorian Florescu which interesting.

The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry, Rachel Joyce cover Jacob besluit lief te hebben Catalin Dorian Florescu cover

Currently I am reading Joe Hill's NOS4R2

NOS4R2 Joe Hill cover

Next up is not really planned but something else from the pile for sure.

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16 September, 2013 delete

Ek lees niks :D Very lazy lately!

16 September, 2013 delete

How wonderful you read Harold Fry, how did you like it?
Enjoy your vacation and great to see you are doing such amazing things. (must visit the Rijksmuseum soon myself)

Have a great week & kind regards,

16 September, 2013 delete

Great! Good luck tackling the pile ;)
