Train on Thursday: Toen ik je zag, Isa Hoes

I travel with public transport on regular base. One of my favourite past times when in bus or train besides reading is checking out what other people read. I usually look these books up (especially when someone is so hooked they don't notice me checking them out) to see if they would be something for me. In this weekly I will introduce you to the books I spotted while travelling.
If you want to join in this weekly feel free to write your own post on the books you spot. That can be anywhere, in the park, on the street, in line at the bookstore / library. There is a linky in the bottom to link up your post. Or leave a comment.

Isa Hoes and Antonie Kamerling met for the first time while doing audition for "Goede Tijden, Slechte Tijden. The television show turns out to be a big hit and Antonie's character Peter Kelder is easily one of the most popular characters. Antonie and Isa fall in love and will lead an unfettered life while playing parts in various television shows, movies, plays and musicals.
The outside world sees a perfect and loving couple in front of the camera's but in private Antonie suffers sever depressions. While the time between his episodes get shorter Isa tries everything to keep the family together until Antonie decides to take his own life on the 6th of October 2010.

This book shot to the number 1 in the Dutch bestseller list so I was not surprised to see it on the train. This television series started when I was ten and it was about the first television show I started to follow. Peter was one of my favourite characters and as the synopsis says I never got the feeling something was amiss. When the news came around that he had taken his life this shocked me a lot. The book has been getting very good reviews and I must admit I am curious about this book.

Do you like to read real stories about your favourite stars even if they tell things that are not so great?

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13 December, 2013 delete

Oh, this book is every where! It doesn't appeal to me because I don't like to read about famous people. I really don't care. They're just people.

The last book I saw on a train was a Dan Brown novel. Also a popular choice, although his newest book has been out for a while now.
